The Weil am Rhein animal protection association was founded on September 30, 1929. For nostalgia fans, here is a copy of the first statutes we have from 1930.
Our animal shelter, built in 2002/2003, is operated by the Weil am Rhein animal protection association. It is called the Emma Paolini animal shelter in memory of the Alemannic dialect poet who would have celebrated her 100th birthday in 2006. Her inheritance made it possible to build and operate the animal shelter.
Previously, for financial reasons, the Weil am Rhein animal protection association was only able to operate an emergency shelter on what was then the island (before the new shopping center was built). Thanks to Emma Paolini's inheritance, we can help the animals in our region on a completely different scale than was ever possible with the emergency station.
On the ground floor of the animal shelter there is the office, the quarantine for sick or newly arrived cats, a doctor's office, a workroom and 2 large cat rooms. The attic is currently used as a common room. The animal shelter is managed by Ms. Leonie Moser. You can see a current list of employees here
. Behind the building there are two cat runs, from which the cats can freely move to and from the cat rooms in the animal shelter building. Behind this there is a spacious, very spacious kennel for our foster dogs, including a large run with a doghouse and lots of toys.
To the right of the dog kennel in 2006 we built a rodent house, where our foster rodents can be kept in a species-appropriate manner, i.e. with an outdoor enclosure. In front of the animal shelter building there is a second, also very large dog run.
Our philosophy is that the more space the animals have, the more free running they have and the more they are outside for walks, the lower the stress level in the animal shelter - the better the animals are.
This means that dogs that get along with each other and with people are allowed to move freely around the grounds most of the time. This gives them the social contact with other dogs and with people that is so important.
We try to make the time that the animals have to spend in the shelter as pleasant as possible. There are many dogs - especially those that have been surrendered or found - that have felt more comfortable in our shelter than ever before.
Of course, we shouldn't idealize the shelter, a shelter can only ever be an emergency solution, but until the animals are placed in good hands and have found a "place in the sun", we try to make the time as bearable as possible for them and to cater to their individual needs.
Since we are an association, many activities are of course carried out by volunteer members and helpers. They deserve our thanks and respect, because they take on an incredible number of necessary tasks: walking the dogs, working in the animal shelter, e.g. on weekends, running stands at festivals, organizing fundraisers, visiting the vet, carrying out pre- and post-checks for our foster animals, etc. Many sacrifice a considerable amount of their free time for the welfare of the animals.
Together we have been successfully running the animal shelter since 2003 and thus offer a temporary home to those who need it most. We very much hope that we can continue to be successful for our foster animals in the future. If you are interested in supporting us, please come along.
Weil am Rhein e. V.
Am Sohleck 18
79576 Weil am Rhein
Tel. 07621 - 7 11 12
Fax. 07621 - 77 07 14
Öffnungszeiten nur mit Termin
Di - Sa 15:00 - 17:00 Uhr
So + Mo geschlossen
Tierschutzverein Weil am Rhein e. V. | Am Sohleck 18 |79576 Weil am Rhein|Tel 07621 - 7 11 12|Fax 07621 - 77 07 14|E-Mail |
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